Oct 26, 2011

The Right Time

Picture from Stillebenshop.
Voisipa viikonloppuna kääntää tämän seinäkellon viisareita. Birgitte Due Madsenin & Jonas Trampedachin keraaminen seinäkello on ihana.
Or in other words: Changing clocks back coming weekend, I kind of wish I had one - a cute one. As my taste - like everything else around me - is in a continuos state of metamorphosis, it's a tricky pick. I want things to be simple and light, yet elegant and interesting & perhaps little quirky - but not too much.

Yesterday browsing I think I found it - the perfect wall clock to reflect my time! The pretty ceramic wall clock by Birgitte Due Madsen & Jonas Trampedach would gently remind of the time, I think, and not too loud or pressing.

Pity it's out of my price range at the moment!  

Let My Shoes Guide Me

Pitkän harmaan jakson jälkeen tunsin yllättävää optimismia. Pilalle menneelle ei voi enää mitään. Pakkaan tavarani ja siirryn eteenpäin. Tai taaksepäin. Tai otan pari askelta sivulle, ja sitten tuonne, ja toivon, että joskus olen kotona. 

Or in other words: After a long silence and much muddy waters, a sudden wave of optimism came. Certain things are ruined and, simple as that, can't be helped. I pack my things and go, onwards, or back a bit, or a little on the side - don't know yet, but somehow I hope I know when I get there.

Maryjanes from Topshop, ankle socks by TutuAnna.